thinking in circles

A dear friend taught me a question for cutting through internal and external noise, for when I'm feeling stuck around a next step or decision, for when I'm overthinking and weighing too many angles and opinions.  

Here's the question in all its glory...

Do I wanna? 

Yep, that's it.

And yes, it's very important to use the informal "wanna" spelling/pronunciation, I think because it keeps it more playful. "Wanna" invites a best guess rather than a heavy response or a pros/cons list.

And I think the directness of the question is also part of its power—it catches the mind (which has already been endlessly evaluating the situation inside and out) off guard. And then, if we're lucky, the body or heart or soul can weigh in. 

I can't always act on the information I learn. Do I wanna go to the dentist? No. But it's just so helpful to know what my inner longing has to say. And then I can take steps to follow the longing, or if I can't follow it, I can choose steps to make the process as easy on me as possible. (Like texting my sister after I go to the dentist so that she can tell me how amazing I am at taking care of my teeth. Ha!)

Is there something you've been thinking about in circles? Wanna try asking yourself this question?

Let me know how it goes!

P.S And love these Walt Whitman lines below via Expedition Press




drop the stone early