Brianna McCabe

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rituals and feast days

I love the work of artist and mystic Meinrad Craighead, and I was feeling a kind of cosmic nudge to honor her life in some way.

I decided to celebrate a "feast day" for her, and I picked the day of her death, which was April 8th (she died in 2019).

So, I made a little altar with her art books, a photo of her, a candle, and some flowers. I told my kids about her, and all week long I've been smiling at her photo. 

She was a woman who trusted herself so deeply, and, for me, her life is like a soul expander of what's possible. I feel a connection to her, even beyond death (more about the breadcrumb trail that led me to Meinrad here).

I grew up with a religion that didn't value trusting your own experience with/of the divine. So the freedom to find and honor what feels sacred in life and follow the cosmic nudges has been an essential part of my healing. 

Where have you found your saints or guides or teachers? Would you like to celebrate their feast day? (It's traditionally the day of their death, but you could also celebrate the day you discovered their work, or their birthday, etc.)

With care,

p.s. Want help following a cosmic nudge or dreaming up a ritual or feast day? I offer planning sessions here.