Plugging the leaks

My grandmother used to talk about filling someone's bucket as an image for loving them. We've gotta help fill each other's buckets, she would say. Or if someone was having a bad day she would say their bucket got a little low. And I remember us talking about how some people seemed to have really leaky buckets. 

My grandmother had a sense of an energetic container that was part of life, and she planted a seed in me. I've since learned about spotting and plugging my energetic leaks as a kind of spiritual/wisdom practice so that I can gather and collect a deeper part of myself and live from there (thank you Cynthia Bourgeault).

I love this. I want to be present to the deeper part of me and live more often from that place.

And this inner work isn't about perfecting me. It's about taking responsibility for myself, which allows me to show up for what's needed in our world. And with a little sturdier bucket, as my grandmother taught me, I have excess love (and sanity) to share. 

What do you think? Where do you have unconscious energetic leaks?

Is there a seed your grandmother planted in you?



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