Brianna McCabe

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inner conflict + your younger self

How do you know if your younger self needs some attention?

I've noticed it often looks like inner conflict, feeling divided, or self-sabotaging. The desire to make amends to our younger self can also arise from a place of curiosity or compassion, of wanting to "check in" on those younger parts. 

Either way, you can't go wrong in bringing more attention to your younger self because this allows blocked or stagnant energy to flow and it allows for more awareness. Instead of just throwing up your hands over the inner conflict or reacting with old, stale patterns, you can begin to consciously shift things.

For me, this process has really changed my inner world—how I approach myself and talk to myself. I used to have so much hostility toward myself, and now I can usually access genuine friendliness. And of course, this can't help but change my outer world. It's a ripple effect. 

If you're feeling stuck or feeling a lot of inner conflict (why do I keep doing that thing I don't want to do?!), try checking in with your younger self. Dig up a photo of yourself as a kid and put it by your bed or your sink or your front door. This is an act of love. Take off your solutions hat and really listen. You might be surprised with what you hear. 

With care,