don’t be afraid of its plenty

I'm practicing "letting the good in" as my therapist calls it.

Given the state of our world and after years of personally dealing with challenge after challenge, it feels very strange and foreign.

My old response to goodness and joy was often to minimize it or not trust it or to not really let it in because I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

And the response I'm practicing now? 
I get all scared and squirmy and want to run and then I turn and say...
"Thank you."

I receive it. I let it land. And woosh, it's like a warmth spreads over my body. I am nourished and softened. 

And really, who knows what goodness is floating around just waiting for us to let it land, waiting for us to stop squirming and say thank you.

Here's Mary Oliver on the subject (from her collection Devotions)...

Here's to not being afraid of its plenty (or being afraid and doing it anyway),


A lifted foot


so nature's wastefulness seems quietly obscene