Brianna McCabe

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denial and reality checks

There are sooo many folks out on the trail this week. I'm just walking along and amazed at all the people running by! The collective energy of early January is an intoxicating time for those of us who love optimism and potential (me!). 

I like my optimism, and even though I've learned I can sometimes overdo it, I'm still really grateful for my rose-colored glasses during some really difficult years. It helped me get through. (Melody Beattie calls denial "a shock absorber for our soul"—it helps us get through until we're ready to look at things straight on.)

But now I really want to see all the nooks and crannies, and for my optimistic-leaning self, that means seeking out reality checks and honest appraisals, even when life is hard.

It's a process of becoming aware, and it's the first part of any change.

"Becoming aware" sounds simple, but, if, like me, you spent years hiding from some painful aspects of reality, it can be pretty challenging. And also I've discovered that it's like a breath of fresh air when you're finally willing to look at things straight on. 

Here's how you begin: say (ideally out loud) I am willing to become aware of ___(whatever you think you might be avoiding)___. 

And then sees what comes.

And continue to carry that willingness. 

So that's what I'm up to. Just walking along and in awe of all the potential out there while also doing some honest appraisals. 

What about you? Is "becoming aware" something you're practicing? If you want support in this process, coaching can really help. I'm here.

Take good care,