Brianna McCabe

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evidence list

At any given time I have a to-do list. I like to-do lists because it helps me to get things down on paper so that my mind doesn't have to worry about forgetting.

But sometimes my to-do list can feel overwhelming and heavy. 

I was telling a friend this the other day and she said she also keeps an "evidence list"—it's her list of all the goodness and little miracles unfolding in her life. She said it feels good to write it down and then she looks back at it when she needs "proof" that things are gonna be okay. 

I love this idea!

Especially for those of us inclined to keep a list of all that needs to be done, why not also keep a list of all the good that has already been "done."

I've been trying it and I like it!

Here are a couple recent entries on my evidence list: 
I made these muffins (they were good!) 
I watched a youtube video and learned how to unclog the garbage disposal and it worked (this felt like a miracle!)
My daughter and I had a little "birthday party" for our chihuahua and had some friends over to celebrate. It was such silly fun. 

If you struggle with your to-do list and this speaks to you, try making an "evidence list" of all the goodness and little moments of miracles unfolding in your life. 

And tell me how it goes—I'd love to hear! Or if you already do this kind of thing, I'd love to hear some of your recent entries. 

With care,

p.s. photo above is the birthday boy...ha!